Sunday, March 18, 2012

Signs Of Spring

The temperatures have become mild and the plants in my yard have been awakened.  We have had more rain this winter than we had all of last year.  The sound of rain is still music to our ears.  Rain has always been the promise of life.  It is no different now than millions of years ago.

A stroll around my backyard this middle of March gave the eye color and life and promise.

That old rickety fence is the annual home for these day flowers or cow lilies, Ive heard them called many things.  What they are is prolific!  They appear a month before Easter and die when the temperature goes up.
Its not easy to keep their spread in check but I don't much mind if they come up in random places.  Its what they do and that's just fine with me.

Miss Jane Magnolia is loving her new home in my yard.  I saw her at the local Lowe's store and could not leave her behind.  She will continue to produce those lovely purple flowers that come with an amazing scent.

One of Miss Jane Magnolia's gifts to us.  I have always named the plants in my yard.  I found it helpful to do so that way when I am working in the yard with my son or granddaughter and need something from another part of the yard, I simply say " its over there by Jane Magnolia" and they immediately know where to look.  I was fortunate that this tree came with a very distinguished name.

This is Grandma's rose bush. No, not my grandma but the long passed grandma of a friend.  This rose was in her yard for decades before she died.  Its very hardy and blooms many times during the winter as well.  She is apparently heat tolerant. She wont bloom as much, but she continues to thrive.

As I said, they are prolific!  Yet another patch of these wild flowers that require nothing of me but my acceptance and some dedicated space for them to spread and grow.  Their life is short so I give them time to just be.

Even the clover is giving my yard color.  This perennial returns every year with the fierce determination of a warrior.  This year, the fight was easy, plenty of rain and warm weather.

Those lovely clover blossoms up close.  Nature doing what it does best.

The rose bush I planted last fall has found its footing in my flower garden amidst the Lilly day flower plants.
It has produced a rose to let us know that she has survived the winter and will be productive this spring and summer.

All in all, a wonderful start to the growing season.  Of course, true to Texas springtime, we have thunderstorms and hail possible for the next two days.  Nature is full of beauty.  It is also full of destructive fury.  Lets hope Mother Nature gives me and my yard a pass this week.

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